Lincoln Nautilus Manuals

Lincoln Nautilus: Module Configuration / Module Configuration - System Operation and Component Description. Description and Operation

Lincoln Nautilus 2018-2025 Service Manual / Electrical / Electrical Distribution / Module Configuration / Module Configuration - System Operation and Component Description. Description and Operation

System Operation

Programmable Module Installation (PMI)

PMI is a diagnostic scan tool process which configures settings in a new module. Data used for the PMI process is automatically downloaded from the original module and stored when a diagnostic scan tool session is started. If this data cannot be retrieved from the module being replaced, the diagnostic scan tool may prompt for Configuration data entry or display a list of parameter values that need to be manually selected. Some modules are reprogrammed during PMI when a strategy/calibration update is available.

It is important the diagnostic scan tool identifies the vehicle and obtains configuration data prior to removing any modules. The new module must be able to communicate with the diagnostic scan tool in order to carry out PMI .

Module Reprogramming

Module reprogramming (also referred to as flashing) is a diagnostic scan tool process which updates the strategy/calibration in a module. Reprogramming a module with the same level of software does not improve module operation or repair a hardware failure. Module reprogramming is automatically carried out during PMI when a later strategy/calibration is available.

Limit module reprogramming to circumstances where a published TSB , GSB , SSM or FSA recommends doing so.

A module cannot communicate with other modules on the communication network while being reprogrammed. After the reprogramming process, clear any network communication Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) which may have been set in other modules.

Some modules are reprogrammed in coordination with other modules.

The following modules with an Ethernet connection can be reprogrammed using a diagnostic scan tool and USB flash drive: APIM , GWM and TCU .

Programmable Parameters

Programmable parameters are customer preference items that may be modified by the dealer via the diagnostic scan tool, or in some cases, modified by the customer following a procedure listed in the Owner Literature. While many configuration options may exist for a module, only a few of these options are programmable parameters. Some parameters must be changed in multiple modules at the same time.

Adaptive Learning and Calibration

Some modules require a separate learning procedure be carried out if replaced as part of a repair procedure. For adaptive learning and calibration instructions, refer to the specific module removal and installation procedures.

Direct Configuration Data (formerly known as VID block)

The direct configuration data commonly stores powertrain configuration items such as tire size, axle ratio, and whether or not the vehicle is equipped with cruise control.

Configuration data is a VIN -specific module configuration record. During vehicle build, the configuration from all modules is downloaded and stored in the configuration database. Configuration data does not reflect customer preference items that have been changed from the default state. These items need to be changed using programmable parameters after the module is configured.

It is not necessary to obtain configuration data unless directed to do so by the diagnostic scan tool. This data may be accessed from the PTS web site.

Module Configuration and Parameter Chart

The chart describes specific module configuration information:

Module Name Module Address Programmable Module Installation (PMI) Available Reprogram/Flash Capable Requires Adaptive Learning or Calibration Available Programmable Parameters
ABS module 760 Yes Yes
  • Integrated Vehicle Dynamics (IVD) initialization
  • EPB apply and release
  ACM 727 Yes Yes No None
  APIM 7D0 Yes Yes (diagnostic scan tool and USB flash drive) No None
AWD module 703 Yes Yes No None
  BCM 726 Yes Yes
  • PATS key programming (not using the diagnostic scan tool)
  • PATS parameter reset
  • CEI
  • BMS reset
  • If equipped with rear video parking aid, BCM LIN initialization
  • TPMS training
  CCM 764 Yes Yes Radar horizontal and vertical alignment calibration None
DACMC (integrated with ACM ) 7D5 Yes Yes No Radio noise suppression
DCDC (Voltage Quality Module [VQM]) 746 Yes Yes No None
  DDM 740 Yes Yes Windows initialization None
  DSM 744 Yes Yes No None
  DSP 783 Yes Yes No None
  FCIMB 7A0 Yes Yes No None
  GSM 732 No No No None
  GWM 716 Yes Yes (diagnostic scan tool and USB flash drive) No None
  HCM 734 Yes Yes LED Lamp Driver Module Initialization None
  HSWM 714 Yes Yes No None
HVAC module 733 Yes Yes No None
  IPC 720 Yes Yes No None
  IPMA 706 Yes Yes Camera calibration None
  IPMB 7B1 Yes Yes Front and rear camera calibration None
OCS module 765 No No OCSM re-zero None
  PAM 736 Yes Yes No None
  PCM 7E0 Yes Yes Misfire Monitor Neutral Profile Correction procedure None
  PDM 741 Yes Yes Windows initialization None
  PSCM 730 Yes Yes No None
  RCM 737 Yes Yes No None
RFA module 731 Yes Yes No None
  RGTM 775 Yes Yes No None
  RCM 737 Yes Yes No None
  RTM 751 Yes Yes No None
  SCCM 724 Yes Yes SCCM LIN configuration None
  SCMB 7A3 Yes Yes No None
  SCME 776 Yes Yes No None
  SCMG 712 Yes Yes No None
  SCMH 713 Yes Yes No None
  SODL 7C4 Yes Yes No None
  SODR 7C6 Yes Yes No None
  TCU 754 Yes Yes (diagnostic scan tool and USB flash drive) No None
  TRM 791 Yes Yes No None
  VDM 721 Yes Yes Height sensor calibration None
  WACM 725 Yes Yes No None

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